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No Eval

By default, this renderer allows the compilation and execution of JavaScript (eval) through the following features.

  • Custom Conditionals
  • Custom Validation
  • Custom Templates (like with EditGrid)

For some implementations, the need to turn off “eval” is a requirement. This can be done, at the expense of the features outlined above, using the following code.

FormioUtils.Evaluator.noeval = true;

This will force the builder to not show the configurations for these elements as well as render things that allow custom templates with the default templates, like the following.

FormioUtils.Evaluator.noeval = true;
Formio.createForm(document.getElementById('formio'), {
  components: [
        label: 'Children',
        key: 'children',
        type: 'editgrid',
        input: true,
        components: [
            label: 'First Name',
            key: 'firstName',
            type: 'textfield',
            input: true
            label: 'Last Name',
            key: 'lastName',
            type: 'textfield',
            input: true
            label: 'Gender',
            key: 'gender',
            type: 'select',
            input: true,
            data: {
              values: [
                  value: 'male',
                  label: 'Male'
                  value: 'female',
                  label: 'Female'
                  value: 'other',
                  label: 'Other'
            dataSrc: 'values',
            template: '<span>{{ item.label }}</span>'
            type: 'checkbox',
            label: 'Dependant',
            key: 'dependant',
            inputType: 'checkbox',
            input: true
            label: 'Birthdate',
            key: 'birthdate',
            type: 'datetime',
            input: true,
            format: 'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm a',
            enableDate: true,
            enableTime: true,
            defaultDate: '',
            datepickerMode: 'day',
            datePicker: {
              showWeeks: true,
              startingDay: 0,
              initDate: '',
              minMode: 'day',
              maxMode: 'year',
              yearRows: 4,
              yearColumns: 5,
              datepickerMode: 'day'
            timePicker: {
              hourStep: 1,
              minuteStep: 1,
              showMeridian: true,
              readonlyInput: false,
              mousewheel: true,
              arrowkeys: true
            "conditional": {
              "eq": "true",
              "when": "dependant",
              "show": "true"
}).then(function(form) {
  // Provide a default submission.
  form.submission = {
    data: {
      children: [
          firstName: 'Joe',
          lastName: 'Smith',
          gender: 'male',
          dependant: true,
          birthdate: '1982-05-18'
          firstName: 'Mary',
          lastName: 'Smith',
          gender: 'female',
          dependant: false,
          birthdate: '1979-02-17'


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