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Select Dropdowns incorporates the amazing Choices.js library to be used as a Select control, but also has the ability to render raw HTML select dropdowns. Below are some examples of different configurations for Select dropdowns.

Code Example
Single Select
Formio.createForm(document.getElementById('single-select'), {
  components: [
      type: "select",
      label: "Single Select",
      key: "single",
      placeholder: "Select one",
      data: {
        values: [
          {value: 'apple', label: 'Apple'},
          {value: 'banana', label: 'Banana'},
          {value: 'pear', label: 'Pear'},
          {value: 'orange', label: 'Orange'}
      dataSrc: "values",
      defaultValue: 'banana',
      template: "<span>{{ item.label }}</span>",
      input: true
JSON Values
Formio.createForm(document.getElementById('json-values'), {
  components: [
      type: "select",
      label: "Select JSON",
      key: "selectjson",
      placeholder: "Select one",
      data: {
        json: `[
      dataSrc: "json",
      template: "<span>{{ item.label }}</span>",
      input: true
Formio.createForm(document.getElementById('multi-select'), {
  components: [
      type: "select",
      label: "Favorite Things",
      key: "favoriteThings",
      placeholder: "These are a few of your favorite things...",
      data: {
        values: [
            value: "raindropsOnRoses",
            label: "Raindrops on roses"
            value: "whiskersOnKittens",
            label: "Whiskers on Kittens"
            value: "brightCopperKettles",
            label: "Bright Copper Kettles"
            value: "warmWoolenMittens",
            label: "Warm Woolen Mittens"
      dataSrc: "values",
      template: "<span>{{ item.label }}</span>",
      multiple: true,
      input: true
External Source
Formio.createForm(document.getElementById('url-select'), {
  components: [
      type: 'select',
      label: 'Model',
      key: 'model',
      placeholder: 'Select your model',
      dataSrc: 'url',
      defaultValue: 'Pilot',
      lazyLoad: false,
      data: {
        url: ''
      valueProperty: 'Model_Name',
      template: '<span>{{ item.Model_Name }}</span>',
      selectValues: 'Results'
Infinite Scroll

When using the Resource or URL type of select fields, it will automatically paginate the URL as they user is scrolling down the select list. this is commonly referred to as Infinite Scroll. When using the Resource component, this will automatically work, but for URL type of selects, you can add tokens {{ limit }}, {{ skip }}, or {{ page }} to pass to your URL.

    Formio.createForm(document.getElementById('lazy-load'), {
      components: [
          type: 'select',
          label: 'Companies',
          key: 'companies',
          placeholder: 'Select a company',
          dataSrc: 'url',
          data: {
            url: '{{ limit }}&skip={{ skip }}'
          limit: 10,
          valueProperty: '',
          searchField: 'data.name__regex',
          lazyLoad: true,
          template: '<span>{{ }}</span>'
Lazy Loading

Using the lazyLoad parameter, you can tell a remote select dropdown to only load the choices when someone clicks on it. This is great for forms that have many select dropdowns that refer to external url's where you do not wish to load all of the select dropdowns upfront.

Formio.createForm(document.getElementById('lazy-load'), {
  components: [
      type: 'select',
      label: 'Model',
      key: 'model',
      placeholder: 'Select your model',
      dataSrc: 'url',
      defaultValue: 'Pilot',
      data: {
        url: ''
      valueProperty: 'Model_Name',
      lazyLoad: true,
      template: '<span>{{ item.Model_Name }}</span>',
      selectValues: 'Results'
Lazy Loading Default

When using Lazy Loading, you can also provide a Search Query Name to your form. Whenever a value is provided to the component, it will fire off an API call with the Search Query Name provided (which should only return a single record). This will allow you to populate the correct label of the item that is selected without loading all the items. Then when they click on the control, all options are loaded dynamically.

Formio.createForm(document.getElementById('lazy-load'), {
  components: [
      type: 'select',
      label: 'Customer',
      key: 'customer',
      placeholder: 'Select a customer',
      dataSrc: 'url',
      data: {
        url: ''
      valueProperty: '',
      searchField: 'data.email__regex',
      lazyLoad: true,
      template: '<span>{{ }} {{ }}</span>'
}).then(function(form) {
  form.submission = {
    data: {
      customer: ''
HTML5 Widget

Using the widget parameter, you can use the regular HTML5 select widget over the Choices.js widget.

Formio.createForm(document.getElementById('html5-select'), {
  components: [
      type: "select",
      label: "Single Select",
      key: "html5select",
      placeholder: "Select one",
      data: {
        values: [
          {value: 'apple', label: 'Apple'},
          {value: 'banana', label: 'Banana'},
          {value: 'pear', label: 'Pear'},
          {value: 'orange', label: 'Orange'}
      dataSrc: "values",
      defaultValue: 'banana',
      widget: 'html5',
      template: "<span>{{ item.label }}</span>",
      input: true

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